Hi Everyone,
It has been a wonderful #goal to set authoring a book together and to see it progress to the next step is super exciting.
We are getting closer to holding it in our hands.

We are so excited to share that the book is being professionally EDITED and prepared for TYPESET.

Beta Readers have been sending back their comments. AND THE REVIEWS HAVE BEEN GREAT.
We are adding them to the website as they arrive.
Read them here.
You are welcome to be a Beta Reader and we will send you a PDF copy of the book. Contact Karen for more information. info@stopsufferingbook.com
Thank you for your continued support!
Love, Robin & Karen
Co-Authors of the upcoming book Stop Suffering, Start Healing. An easy-to-use holistic toolkit for depression, anxiety, and trauma.
Pre-order at www.stopsufferingbook.com
Chapter 1: Starting Where You Are
What is Suffering
Feeling Safe
Finding the Best Therapist
A Little About the Business of Counseling
In-Person or Online Therapy
Prominent Types of Therapy
How Do You Choose
Quantum Physics, Law of Attraction
Chapter Summary